jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

Reseña: The Hollow Kingdom (Hollow Kingdom 1)

The Hollow Kingdom 


Clare B. Dunkle

240 pages
Published September 19th 2006 by Henry Holt and Co. BYR Paperbacks (first published October 1st 2003)
ISBN:0805081089 (ISBN13: 9780805081084)
Edition Language:English
Series The Hollow Kingdom Trilogy #1
blurb: In nineteenth-century England, a powerful sorcerer and King of the Goblins chooses Kate, the elder of two orphan girls recently arrived at their ancestral home, Hallow Hill, to become his bride and queen...

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Shelves dwarves, fairytale, fantasy, goblins, king-and-queen, magia, magical-practitioners, 
Kate y Emily Winslow llegan a Hollow Hill tras la muerte de su padre, la tierra les pertenece como legado materno, pero pronto ni sus ancianas tias ni su guardian legal parecen poder protegerlas de peligros que las acosan.

Situado en lo que parece ser una Inglaterra del siglo 19, y en medio de un plot de semi-horror gótico te ves envuelto en un mundo sobrenatural.

“If that’s what you think my kingdom is like, I certainly know not to ask you to come.”
Hope swept through her. “You won’t?” she gasped.
Marak opened his eyes again and frowned at her eager expression. “Of course not.” He shrugged. “I’ll just take you there. No sense in asking.”

Si juzgas la historia como una fantasia moderna, te quedas horrorizad@ por varios elementos SPOILER)-->(y con esto me refiero sobre todo a lo que pasa por ceremonia de boda con grilletes y para que escape la cautiva<--(SPOILER/, pero si lo ves como uno de esos cuentos clásicos de hadas ves que sigue todos sus aspectos :/sPOILER--->la promesa, el esposo con aspecto de bestia, magia increible y ... un viaje de en busca del esposo perdido. <---SPOILER/

Más un sentido de humor irónico que va bien con otros tonos más oscuros. Aunque confieso que más de una vez quise darle de bofetones a la hermanita menor, que me sacaba de quicio y me desesperaba.

 Humans don’t have any magic. Agatha says they don’t need it. They live just like cattle, chewing up the land and raising herds of babies. Everybody knows they’re God’s favorites; they already get everything their own way. Elves and goblins got their magic from the First Fathers, and dwarves say they’re related to rocks, so they just know how to ask rocks to behave. Agatha says there’s some humans who talk with the devils and get them to do things, but she says that’s not magic, that’s stupid, because devils always make sure they get paid better than they work.”

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